"The Alamo" is ready to fall again. Fortunately, famed film restorer Robert A. Harris is among its defenders, trying to keep alive what John Ford called "the greatest picture I've ever seen."
In his film restoration column on Digital Bits, Harris details the ghastly condition of the 1960 epic, saying: "The time has come for a complete restoration and overhaul -- a massive undertaking.
"We are attempting to bring this important film back from the brink of extinction."
Rights holder MGM and some vendors have come up with much of the funding for the restoration, but another $1.4 million is needed, Harris says. He's appealing directly to film fans, corporations and arts groups in order to raise the rest.
The result will be two versions of the John Wayne film: a full-length roadshow (192 minutes) and the general release (172 minutes).
Harris' must-read post discusses why the film was cut in 1960 and gives specifics of the role of "vinegar syndrome" in the roadshow version's gradual destruction.
I remember the roadshow movie from laserdisc. That critical source material (a print miraculously found in the early '90s) has suffered the most damage, Harris reports.
"The Alamo" was among my favorite movies as a boy, but when I viewed it on laser I found the movie a bit long and creaky. I'm eager to see it again, in better shape, on a big screen.
Harris has brought many classic films back to life in the DVD era, most recently restoring "The Godfather" I and 2. His plea for help should be a call to action for movie-lovers everywhere. We owe him big. Hell, if the man asked for funding to restore his home movies, I'd chip in.
Here's a forum thread that keeps up with with news regarding "The Alamo" restoration project.
"Alamo" update: Harris sent along information on how to help fund the restoration.
Write a check to the Jacob Burns Film Center Inc. and in the memo field note "f/b/o Alamo restoration"
Jacob Burns Film Center
405 Manville Road
Pleasantville, NY 10570
Attn: Dominick Balletta
All contributions are tax deductible.