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September 12, 2007



The Office Season 3 is the best yet. Particularly enjoyed the blooper reel. I'm familiar with the original British series on which this is based and have to say the American writers and cast have done a great job of transferring it stateside. One of the best things on TV in years.

Glenn Abel

Haven't seen it. I don't watch TV outside of sports and Nova/Frontline and the Ebert/Roeper show. Imagine I'd like "The Office" and a few other shows. Just don't have the time with all the DVD reviews.

Saw the star in Whole Foods the other day. Maybe that counts ...

I do catch up with some TV shows when the box sets come out. I am on season 2 of "Desperate Housewives" and the end of season 1 of "Weeds." Burned out on "Housewives," I think, but "Weeds" is holding up nicely.

My kids almost never watch TV. For them it's all IM and Web sites and video games. They are bored by TV. Think the networks are really in for trouble in the next 10 years.

Thanks for the comment Andy.

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