The DVD Journal has written its final page, alas. The 9-year-old web site apparently fell victim to the demands of adult life.
"The Editor," hanging on to anonymity until the end, cited "things that happen to sensible people when the subtle business of adulthood creeps up on them unawares." He wrote a long state-of-the-format piece as a farewell, noting that DVDs first hit the shelves just about 10 years ago:
"Since then, we've posted almost 4,000 DVD reviews, watched the retail sheets for the best upcoming DVDs, and hopefully steered a few folks into renting or purchasing movies they otherwise might have overlooked. ... For now, we will leave this website online, and while we won't be posting any regular features, all are welcome to return and get a look at a decade's worth of DVD, in review."
The Journal will be missed. Its main interests seemed the same as this DVD blog's -- high-quality films released to home video with strong supporting extras. Its campaign to put the kabosh on movies on the Divx home video system counts as major public service.
The Journal was one of the first authoritative backlinks I picked up while starting this DVD blog six months ago. Part of my good fortune with Google and its page-ranking system can be attributed to their goodwill. For this and the Journal's tradition of useful and enjoyable content, this blog will remain grateful. Have fun in the real world, guys.
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